- Patent Case for EPO
- On behalf of Company C, AIP
invalidated the pharmaceutical patents owned by a Japanese pharmaceutical
company, making it possible for anyone to freely use EPO, an expensive anemia
treatment. Although this case was remanded after the Supreme Court overruled
the patent court's decision to invalida...
- Patent Case for Auxiliary Instrument for...
- Auxiliary
instrument for orthodontic treatment is used in a procedure to correct
misaligned teeth. L, a private business owner, is a person who manufactures and
sells auxiliary instrument for orthodontic treatment and holds a patent for
this. G University Industry-Academic Cooperation Entity (her...
- Patent Case for Heating Water Distributo...
- A heating water
distributor is a device that distributes hot water from a boiler to places
where heating is needed (room, living room, kitchen, etc.). Company B, which
manufactures and installs the heating water distributor, filed an infringement
lawsuit against Company S for infringing the pate...
- Patent Case for Kimchi Refrigerator
- https://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=102&oid=011&aid=0000068888 Company W, the
patentee, filed a patent infringement lawsuit and damage claim against Company
L, claiming that the Kimchi refrigerator of Company L infringed the patent of
Company W. AIP, on...
- Patent Case for Juicer
- Juicer is a machine
that can make juice with fruits or vegetables at home. Company N is a company
that specializes in producing home appliances, and in order to expand the
domestic market and enter overseas market, there was a great need to invalidate
K's patent. Accordingly, AIP,
which r...